About us

What we do

Transform your space with unparalleled style using our exclusive and innovative flags. We excel in integrating your personal beliefs with cutting-edge designs, injecting a burst of vibrancy into your living space. Our dedication extends to inclusivity, as we wholeheartedly embrace a diverse range of beliefs without any hint of discrimination. Unwokeflags is devoted to providing top-tier flags that boast distinctive designs not available anywhere else in the market.

Brand History and Mission

We both grew up in Canada and originated from the friendship of two individuals with both shared and opposing views on life, fostering civil debates and discussions. In a time where cancel culture has created an atmosphere of fear around expressing one's true views, we emerged to offer a solution. We firmly believe that our flags serve as a subtle yet impactful addition to your life, providing a comfortable means to express your world views. Our overarching mission is to champion freedom of speech in a discreet and stylish manner.


We stand by the principle that everyone has the right to their own beliefs and should never feel inhibited in expressing them. Our brand is rooted in the values of diversity, inclusivity, and the celebration of individual perspectives.